Seeing all of these weddings going on brings me back to the wedding I was in last year.
It was a good wedding.
However, the cooling system was entirely a problem. We we are getting ready in the church plus the cooling system was great. Then when my friend and I genuinely got to the church area, the area was super warm. I do not guess they had cooling system for the church at all. Then, my friend and I had to sit outside plus wait for the bride plus groom. I could feel the sweat dripping down my legsā¦ Even in the limo on the way to the reception, I could feel actually no cooling system at all. I felt like I majorly needed to put some more desmellant on. I thought I was going to stink actually disappointing by the time my friend and I had gotten there. We also had to sit outside plus take pictures at the park for awhile. I do not guess I had wanted cooling system so much in my entire life. All I could guess about at that point was the cooling system for sure. Sporadically you do not realize how beautiful the cooling system is until you are no longer in it. When my friend and I finally arrived to the place I had pretty much ran inside. The cooling system inside hit me good. I stood there for a whole minute plus did not move. My body was so overheated plus needed that cooling system. I thought I was even going to pass out from the best at one point. Thank god for the reception having good cooling system.