I know that most people love wood burning stoves, but I am just not one of them.
My husband and I built a house about ten years ago, and he asked me then if I would be fine with installing a wood stove to heat the house.
I told him that I didn’t want a wood stove, and that I would much prefer an electric furnace. After ten years of use, our furnace gave out on us, so we started looking into buying a new one. Everyday for the past two weeks, my husband has mentioned something about how much he wants a wood stove or how much he loves wood stoves. I decided to just go ahead and give it a try. The reason I don’t particularly like wood stoves is because of the work that is involved in keeping them burning all the time. I told my husband that as long as he did all of the work involved in running and maintaining a wood stove I would let him instal one. Of course, he was thrilled and promised to do all of the work on his own. I truly hope he will keep to his promise because I don’t want to do it. Just yesterday, we had the wood stove installed, and to my surprise, it looks really nice in our home. It goes with my old farmhouse theme. I love the smell of the wood burning, so I hope that if I don’t have to do any of the work, I will learn to enjoy having one.