Jobs aren’t as easy to come by as I once thought. I spent four years in college not to mention a couple years in high school preparing for a career as an artist. After graduating from college, I was hired by one of the best companies in our area. I had the privilege of working there for almost five years. They decided to move states, and unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make the move with them, so I was jobless. I worked for another company for a total of about ten weeks before I realized it just simply wasn’t for me. It’s been seven years since then, and I haven’t had anymore opportunities to work as an artist. I have been working in a factory. Although factory work isn’t difficult, it isn’t the most pleasant atmosphere. One of the hardest things to deal with is the temperature of the building. It is usually in the nineties during the day. They do have air conditioning in the building, but it doesn’t work very well at all. For the past three years, I have been doing most of my work in the back of semi trucks. I load and unload packages all day long. Of course, there is no air conditioning, and it is so hot that I can hardly stand it. All I long for at the end of the day is a nice air conditioned room where I can sleep. I am very thankful to have a job, but I hope that I can soon find another one where I’ll at least have air conditioning.