Everyone that I have ever met who is a close buddy of my bestie insists that he needs to open his own eating establishment, as soon as possible.
I wish I was exaggerating, but it’s the opinion of literally every person who has tried his food. I have to say, I experience his fine cuisine every single day, in addition to I couldn’t agree more. I actively try to convince him to get into the eating establishment business on a yearly basis; the only problem is that he just recently bought his PhD in a completely unrelated field in addition to doesn’t want to throw away ten years of education yet. Still, I’ve been investigating the local eating establishment scene in addition to looking for promising sites that he might want to invest in one day. So far, I know one thing for particular, the eating establishment will need to have the most current heating in addition to cooling technology on the market. See, my friend and I live in the south where it is truly hot in addition to humid year round! As such, there’s no way my friend and I could establish a public eating venue without having the best a/c that money can buy. I don’t just want to have a measly window A/C unit or some broken down outdated central a/c, rather, I recognize my friend and I need to have the most current a/c possible with an linked dehumidifying system to boot. That way, the air is not only perfectly cool in addition to accurately tempered, but my friend and I can remove all that excess humidity from the air without running the A/C into the ground. We’ll have the most comfortable eatery in the whole south.