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Thought automobile A/C would be okay on trip

I’ve had enough automobile problems to last me a lifetime.

I can’t even deal with the thought of having one more issue with my vehicle, plus neither can my bank account.

I don’t know how you can be cursed to own unreliable vehicles, although I easily have some terrible voodoo following me around since the age of 16, but now, in the past few months, I’ve replaced the control unit, suspension, plus had 3 flat tires on all odd wheels. Now, this past week, the entire cooling system apparently went down the crapper! It easily comes as no surprise that the ventilation system went out on me just as I climbed into the automobile for a major road trip. There was nothing but hot, stale air pumping through all the air vents. It didn’t matter what temperature control settings I used on the control unit, because that air quality was not improving! At first, I easily thought I could get away with holding off on the cooling system repair. I didn’t have any extra money to my name, plus hoped that the A/C system would just maintenance itself. Besides, I told myself, the road trip would be taking us far north, where the air was still chilly plus wet from winter. I absolutely never expected a moderate air front to pass through the region, plus increase the outdoor temperature well above 71 degrees every afternoon! I was not prepared for these summer time air rapidly changing temperatures, with my automobile or my wardrobe! Now I’m stuck, just covered in sweat my way down the highway each afternoon. As you can imagine, it has been a particularly hot plus miserable road trip.


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