I am currently writing to you in a dank, dark little kitchen, where the air is hot plus sticky, plus I struggle to stay awake.
It isn’t the best writing environment, plus there are several reasons to be distracted, including my personal discomfort.
I’m trying my best to keep focused, but the sound of the fan humming behind me coupled with the intense breeze that it is creating is really pulling my attention elsewhere. Every time a paper flies off the edge of the table on a stiff breeze, my focus is shifting. Every drop of sweat that plunges onto my keyboard instantly curtails my ability to labor through another sentence. I wish I had the power to improve my surroundings, although I have to make the most of what I’ve got this time. You see, I’m staying at my best friend’s house right now, plus her loft ventilation system is not entertaining my visit, however upon arriving into town, I was surprised to find out it was over 71 degrees outside. I was also surprised to find out that my friend’s A/C device had stopped working that easily afternoon. Apparently, she wasn’t expecting to need her cooling system any time soon, considering how it had just been snowing outside earlier in the week. Mother nature played a fantastic trick on him, though, plus suddenly warm, humid air flowed through the region. When she went to operate her little window A/C system, the device instantly made an exhausting wailing noise plus then break out. Without having her cooling system diagnosed before the first use of the year, apparently she deeply miserable the A/C gods. Now my buddy and I have been living without any source of cool air for several afternoons, plus wouldn’t you know it, the weather is expected to remain sunny plus warm.