My guy and I recently went through a bit of a lull in our relationship, if you know what I mean.
Things just weren’t happening naturally between us, it wasn’t feeling hot, and everything my good friend and I tried felt absolutely forced and boring.
No matter what big plans my good friend and I tried to come up with for the night when my good friend and I were both finally together, it felt like the magic heat just wasn’t happening for us. After a few awkward weeks, my good friend and I finally just gave up on the whole endeavor and started looking outside our home for sweet relief. Yes, of course I’m talking about our mutual boredom with cooking together, and for the past two years we’ve been intimate dining room partners with a yearly task to do. My associate and I created delicious, hot and spicy, gourmet meals every night, week after week, month after month, with a unquestionably slimbudget. The thing is, my good friend and I got burnt out. My associate and I were tired of the heat, the smoke, and the same old flavors. Suddenly neither one of us was interested in the endless work of cooking supper; that’s when baking creeped slowly into our lives. We’ve been having a lot of fun with this cool modern activity together, but there are still complications.The thing is, baking is just as strenuous and heated as cooking was! Rather than having the stovetop burning hot and spitting hot oil, now my good friend and I have the oven running at full blast for mornings on end as my good friend and I complete arduous baking projects at home. My associate and I have the ventilation fan running always to pull out the burnt smoke from our failed cookies, and the open windows let in tons of cold outdoor air. These mornings our air quality control system is working harder than ever, and so are we.