A couple of years ago, I accepted a new job position that required me to move across the country.
- I had very little opportunity to put in notice at my former job, pack up my possessions and relocate.
There was no time to tour apartments or be particular about my living situation. I went on Craig’s List and found someone who was looking for a roommate. The location of the apartment appeared to be less than a ten minute drive to my new job, so I signed a rental agreement. The pictures of the living space were quite misleading. I was surprised by the age and condition of the property. I didn’t realize that I’d need to climb a steep set of stairs every time I came and went. It has taken me a while to settle in and get accustomed to my new roommate. While he’s a very nice guy and fun to hang out with, he’s a slob. He leaves dirty laundry and dishes everywhere. He spends the majority of his time sitting on the couch, watching television. However, my roommate comes in very handy when there is a problem with the heating or cooling system. Because the packaged unit is extremely outdated, it has some issues. Calling the property manager is pointless. No one responds and repairs are never made. If not for my roommate, we’d be without heat in the winter and without air conditioning in the summer. In the middle of January, when nothing but cold air pours from the vents, my roommate heads outside with his toolbox. Within a few minutes, the apartment is toasty warm again. The air conditioner likes to quit completely when the heat and humidity of July are absolutely brutal. Whether the malfunction occurs in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning, my roommate never complains. He just fixes the problem.