He took all day when he said it was going to take a couple of hours or less
I wanted to move the television to the other side of the room, but there wasn’t an electrical outlet on that side of the room. I called my brother to see if he could help with that. My brother is a licensed electrical contractor. He works for a company in town, but he helps me out when I have problems in the house. I bought an older house with more problems than I expected. Half the time the furnace doesn’t work and during the summer I constantly have issues with the central AC. When I wanted to move the tv around, my brother said it wouldn’t be a big deal at all. He could run some wiring from another outlet and set it quite easily. The biggest problem was getting to the electrical equipment behind the drywall. My brother removed one very large piece of drywall. The electrical wiring was further down the wall than he expected, so he had to remove another part of the wall. Most of the wall was removed before my brother completed the electrical project. He took all day when he said it was going to take a couple of hours or less. I thought the house was going to be a mess for days, but it really wasn’t that hard to put the drywall back up. We added some spackle and paint and it was hard to tell the wall had ever been removed. Now we can move the television to either side of the room and that means more options for seating in that room.