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My mom needs some roof repair done

I guess I will just have to call and get her put on a waiting list

When we had a big storm here in our area about a week ago, a huge tree went down in my mom’s yard. Now, my mom is going to have to have some roof repair work done on her house. A big tree fell in her backyard and landed right on the roof of her screened in porch. Luckily, the tree and all of the huge branches actually missed the rest of the house and the main living space. At least she was lucky in that respect, and so it’s not something that has to be done right away. However, my mom has a lot of stuff out on her screened in porch and she wants to get it fixed as soon as possible anyway. The roofing companies around here are really busy now because a lot of people had damage because of the big storm. I have been searching for roof repair near me online for the past few days, but every single roofing company has a waiting list for roof repair work because of all of the damage around here. I went for a drive around town the other day and I could not believe all of the damage that I saw. There were trees and furniture and all kinds of things everywhere in people’s yards. I counted a dozen houses that had damage to their roofs, and that was just on our street! I am really hoping that my mom is going to be able to get her roof repair done sooner rather than later. I guess I will just have to call and get her put on a waiting list. Hopefully they can get the jobs done soon.
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