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What you need for your heater this winter

While having lunch with my friend the other day, I realized we still needed to prepare our heaters for winter.

We had been so busy traveling and enjoying our holidays that we forgot we needed to get our heating devices ready.

My friend and I have been roommates for a long time and have become such good friends. We had just come back from a trip to the Caribbean, and we were back for three weeks before we decided we needed to ready our unit. I called the heating business but was surprised to find no heating technician available for the next few days. Since the temperatures were not too unbearable, we decided to wait because we appreciated the company as it consistently provided quality services. The company finally called a few days later and confirmed they would send their HVAC professionals the following day. When the HVAC servicemen arrived, they ran the heating maintenance on the electric heater since it had been switched off for a few months. It was dusty, and some components were worn out from the last use. The HVAC supplier sent over the new parts and a dozen HEPA filters. Since installing our current heating equipment, we have been using these filters as was recommended by an expert. They also checked the wireless thermostat we had been using with our a/c. The tune-up took little time; when the experts were done, the electric heating system was as good as new. The quality of indoor comfort also improved drastically. It is advisable to service your electric heat pump during the last weeks of fall to ensure it is working optimally before winter begins.

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