Time does fly.
These thoughts filled my head as I watched my daughter talk and laugh with her friend on the sofa next to me.
I remembered when she was born and how tiny she was. Now she was about to head to college, and I could not believe how much time had passed and how fast it had passed. Since I wanted her to enjoy the same comfort she has at home in her new apartment, I offered to help her furnish it and get all the essential appliances. We visited the HVAC supplier to get a new heater suitable for the new apartment we just rented. The HVAC serviceman recommended the electric heat pump because my daughter would use it throughout the year. I also got her a wireless thermostat. The heating business sent a team of heating technicians to handle the HVAC installation. One of the most important things I needed my daughter to understand was the importance of heater maintenance and repairs. The unit I bought for her was costly, and it would be worthwhile to take care of it so that it lasts long. The HVAC professional took her through the proper scheduling of electric heater tune-ups and any repairs that might arise. She had to learn to care for the heating device, replace the HEPA filter on time, and call an HVAC professional when there was a problem. Within a few weeks of leasing the apartment, it was fully furnished and to live in. I dropped my daughter off a week ago and have had a miserable empty-nester. However, I am happy she is following her dreams and learning to be herself.