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He was working at his house on the gas furnace in his basement

Liam’s client laughed at him when he fell off of his porch the other day. He was just there minding his own business and trying to get the gas furnace at his lake house up and running again when he tripped up on his own feet and fell right off of the front porch. Thank goodness the porch wasn’t really high off the ground or Liam might have killed himself on the job. He had already been working at the lake house on the gas furnace in his basement for an hour when this happened. Liam had gone upstairs and onto the porch because he was heading out to the HVAC truck parked in the driveway. He needed to get a part for the gas furnace. Liam was thinking about what he needed to get done and how he could leave to go get his dinner as he finished installing the part. He was distracted because of that and Liam somehow ended up getting tripped up on his work boots and the rug on the front porch. Then he pitched headlong right into the flower bed that was next to the front porch. Liam wasn’t injured, but he barely missed whacking his head against a cement garden gnome that was holding an umbrella next to his garden fence. He thought that at least no one had seen him, but that’s when he heard his HVAC client laughing like crazy behind him from the front door. Liam was so embarrassed, but then it also made him mad when he realized that he was laughing without even knowing if he was okay or not.



Air conditioning system