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My new air filter delivery service sends thing right on time

My new air filter delivery service sends the replacement air filters that I need each month right on time.

I really have issues when it comes to remembering to do things like that on time and so having the air filter sent to me in the mail on a regular basis is really helpful for me.

I don’t know what my problem is, but if something needs to be done regularly like that, I just can’t seem to wrap my brain around remembering it. I’m just not good at stuff like that. I like one time things, not things that are repetitive. I am the same way with my car maintenance. I’m just not good at remembering to get it done. That’s why I am glad that the mechanic that I use sends out reminders to me to get my car worked on when I need to! It’s the same kind of thing with my new air filter delivery service. Since I can’t ever remember to change the air filter when I need to do it on a regular basis, they send me a fresh new air filter whenever it’s time to change it. The air filter showing up on my porch is my reminder to change it, and it’s really a great reminder! Ever since I signed up for this service, I haven’t forgotten to change the air filter in my HVAC system even once. I am sure that the indoor air quality in my house is much better now than it used to be, thanks to this service.


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