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I have potential problems with our air ducts

The ceiling in our beachside house office collapsed last weekend, and I’m looking at a huge bill to get it fixed.

Part of myself and others wants to just tack up some canvas or plastic sheeting and stop worrying about fixing the ceiling, however, a company looked at the mangle and said that it would get so much worse… Basically I am in a tomato at the moment, because it will cost too much money to service the ceiling.

I don’t have money to spare, and don’t think how I could possibly get it, yet on the other hand, if I don’t have the ceiling repaired it could eventually impact our Heating as well as Air Conditioning method and our electric grid. The problem is not with the Heating as well as Air Conditioning method itself, it was due to very poor craftsmanship by the company when he built this locale. The ceiling in our office was obviously done by a rookie or a novice, because he secured the sheet rock to the same support holding the Heating as well as Air Conditioning duct steady. This means that eventually the rest of the ceiling could collapse, and take down the air ducts with it! I already need to upgrade the ceiling, the last expense I need is to also replace and upgrade the Heating as well as Air Conditioning HVAC duct. But wait, the problem could get much worse! Like dominos falling, once the ducts collapse it might rupture and mangle the air handler or other vital components of the central Heating as well as Air Conditioning system. It’s so hard to think that one issue could lead to so several others, but it’s true. I am meeting with the Heating as well as Air Conditioning company rep later next week to discuss our chances for repair, and to get a price quote.

air vent