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The money I found in the old air duct

What would you do if you found a stack of money that nobody knew was gone? I don’t mean “would you steal money from a person,” which I consider wrong in all cases.

I am not a thief or a robber, and was raised with a strict religious upbringing.

In this case, I would not be taking money from anyone. I found the money, it was abandoned, and to our knowledge it was never reported as being stolen. I could do the nice legal thing, and report the money to the cops. Then the cops would take it, and I could rest easy knowing I did the right thing, but lose all the money. I was taking down a series of old, broken air ducts in an old building downtown. The locale had been empty for years, but the local officials needed all the Heating as well as Air Conditioning systems and air ductwork stripped out of it. In one of these old air ducts I found a bundle of old bills wrapped in plastic. Based on the serial numbers and dates I found on the money, I’d say it’s been in the duct for over 20 years. I make great money as an Heating as well as Air Conditioning tech, but this was enough dough to help myself and others for years to come. Which leads myself and others back to the original question – should I keep it? If I hadn’t found it and taken it to the beachside house it would have sat inside that air ducts until the building was demolished, and it would have been buried forever. I will really go back to labor at the Heating as well as Air Conditioning service on Sunday, and pretend I didn’t find anything at all.
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