My adolescents are so lucky, because they are growing up in a time when there are so many luxuries and new conveniences. They have all these electronic gadgets, from games to tablets to smartphones and more, to keep them occupied. When I was a kid, my friend and I thought having color cable was the best thing in the world, and though video games were around, my friend and I didn’t have any in our home. If my friend and I wanted to play video games, we had to go to an arcade in town. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time outside entertaining ourselves. Other new conveniences that we didn’t have include; a dishwasher, air fryers, fancy coffee machines, robot vacuums, and central HVAC units just to name a few. These are the things that I currently have in my cabin that I didn’t have as a child. Of the items listed, the one that I actually can’t live without is the HVAC unit. It’s the one underrated device that I use every afternoon to keep my cabin comfortable. The HVAC component helps to maintain ideal indoor air quality through its ventilation and filtration process, and it also provides heating and cooling inside my home. When I was a kid, our cabin did not have central heating or cooling. In fact, we had only a single window cooling system, which was a blessing. Moreover, my school didn’t have HVAC either, so I understand what life is like without an HVAC unit. This is something my adolescents would never experience in their lifetime. I am grateful that my adolescents have all these conveniences for their leisure, and I am thrilled that I can appreciate these luxuries as an adult.