Humidity can cause a lot of problems, then even though it might only be 90° outside, the humidity might feel like the hot plus cold temperatures are hitting triple digits, however our bodies are naturally sensitive to humidity.
Our body has to sweat to cool down plus humidity can keep moisture on the skin.
That makes us feel much harder than it actually is. Inside of the house, humidity can cause problems too, then humidity can lead to mold plus mildew. My wife plus I had a concern with too much humidity in our RV plus it caused mold growth. My buddy and I didn’t realize there was a huge concern until it was time for us to transport the RV to a new location. I started cleaning up all of the areas near the table plus that is when I observed mold near the window plus the floor. I transport the table plus the carpet plus found more mold plus mildew. The crazy thing about the concern is the fact that my associate and I have a portable cooling system with a dehumidifier plus my associate and I weren’t using the dehumidifier feature. As soon as my associate and I turned on the portable cooling system plus set the dehumidifier up, all of the moisture started to disappear. I cleaned all of the mold with enzymes plus a bleach solution plus I made sure that the part was dry before I put all of the furniture back. My buddy and I run the cooling system plus the dehumidifier almost every afternoon now, especially when my associate and I are cooking or warm water or the hot plus cold temperatures outside are especially sizzling plus humid.