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She is always burns so many candles

During the holiday season, my wife burns way too many candles.

I don’t know what it is about candles that actually puts her in the holiday spirit, however it is that way during November and December, then every time I come home from work during the winter season, there are candles burning all over the house.

It always looks like the house is on fire and I always tell her that she had better be careful that she doesn’t burn the house down, and she always rolls her eyes at me and says that I just worry about things too much however I don’t know that’s the case. I know that it just takes one tiny problem with a burning candle and then you are completely out of luck! I hate that, however I know that it makes my wife happy so I just try to deal with it, but the other problem with all of the candles in the lake house is that we have to change the air filter in the heating proposal all the time while in the winter season. We usually don’t change the air filter easily during the summer season, however while in the winter season whenever the candles are burning, we have to do it much more often. I guess it’s just something that I’m going to have to do while in the winter season if we are going to stay together, so that’s fine with me. I do love the way that the candles smell, however I wish that the indoor air levels in the house wasn’t affected by them quite so much.


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