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How much does it cost for HVAC ducts?

He laughed, however there was no humor in it

The last time the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C tech was at my house, he commented on the old HVAC ducts… He told us it needed cleaned, however he added it should easily be updated. He had located many rusty areas deep in the HVAC ducts, plus said he could easily put his finger right through them, then i knew most of our heat plus cooling system was dissipating quickly through those cracks plus rusty holes. I started wondering how much it was going to cost me for a more current HVAC duct if they couldn’t repair it when the cleaning was done. I did a quick internet search for the costs of HVAC duct updatement, plus almost threw up when I saw the estimate. At first, I was stoked when they were saying about $1500 for HVAC duct updatement, however that was just for the basic HVAC ducts, plus current HVAC duct covers. I almost cried when I finished the entire article, and the cost for the current HVAC duct throughout our condo was going to upwards of $6000. That was more than my associate Max and I paid for the current cooling system unit. I sat there plus stared at the article until Max came into the iPad room. Max asked if I was going to start dinner anytime soon. Max looked at the article I was studying, plus moved my chair over so Max could sit beside me. He laughed, however there was no humor in it. Max told me my associate and I could get a complete ductless Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system for the condo for the price, plus I knew Max was right. Max asked what my opinion was on getting a ductless Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system plus forgetting about buying a current HVAC duct, plus a more current heater. I thought it was an excellent idea.



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