When I was told I needed a current cooling system unit, I was gobsmacked. The weather was only eighty two degrees this week plus I could get away separate from running a cooling system, however for the rest of the week it was to be in the mid to upper nineties. My 3rd floor apartment would feel like one of those boxes you see them putting prisoners in the movie to make them behave. I hated to sweat as it was, plus this time perspiring was my own damn fault. I had forgotten to have my cooling system machine checked before summer time arrived. I was feeling very aggravated when the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C pro left, plus he swore he would be back before I knew it. There was a cooling system machine in the sales dept, however he couldn’t get it to me before Sunday afternoon, plus it was just Wednesday. I kept imagining going the rest of this week plus all day tomorrow in this blasted heat. The best I could hope for was that he could install the cooling system early on Sunday afternoon! Later that afternoon, there was another knock on the door. The Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C pro felt so bad that I had to go separate from the cooling system the next day, that he brought up one of their emergency window cooling system units to my 3rd floor apartment plus hooked it up. He said it would not cool the entire house, however it would give me a brief reprieve from the heat if I stayed in the family room. I wasn’t going to leave that family room unless it was to go to the bathroom or wallow in the swimming pool for a couple of hours in the afternoon. I wasn’t even going to cook a meal.