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I had to turn up the heater.

I always giggled when my wife Sam told me she was blissful she had a fireplace in her house.

  • I didn’t need a fireplace.

If I wanted to have the heat on then I turned up the control machine plus set it from Cool to Heat. It was simple to do, plus easier than lighting a fireplace. Last week, although it was right in the middle of May, I woke up plus had to turn the heat up. There was a dusting of frost on my flower beds plus the ground was colorless. I couldn’t believe it almost the middle of May plus it seemed like it was snowing. I turned on the news to get the weather. The forecast was for random snow flurries, plus only in the upper forties for the rest of the week. I sat there and watched the person do the weather plus asked if he was kidding. I swore he heard me say that, because he stated that this was indeed no joke; Close the windows, because it was going to be another one tonight. When I tried to switch the heater on, nothing happened. I couldn’t believe the heater wasn’t working. Then I recalled I had the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C business rep turn the heater off when they did the servicing on the cooling system unit. I hadn’t expected to need the heater until November or November. I remembered laughing at Sam when she talked about the fireplace, but right about now, I was wishing I had a fireplace to heat my house up. Instead, I called the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C business plus asked what I needed to do to switch the heater back on for the next week.

a/c set up