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Four more heating reps to meet

I think it is working because I’ve been taking a cold shower each day and this flu seems to be on its way out

I am going to work on one more story and then make either a grilled cheese or a tuna sandwich. I’m leaning towards the tuna because I still have a cold and I don’t think my body will do too well with dairy just yet. Maybe I will make a big salad instead so I can get some nutrients in this body to help it ward off this flu bug that I have had for the past several days. My friend is supposed to visit in a couple of days and I need to beat this or she can’t come. Heating and cooling equipment repairs is what I normally do each week for the cooling tech company down the road, but this week is an off week for me because of this flu that I have had. I guess I got run down a lot last weekend with too much sports and partying and this is my body’s way of telling me I need to slow down and take better care of myself. My space heater is on right now because I took a cold shower this morning to try and stimulate my immune system and make some more white blood cells. I think it is working because I’ve been taking a cold shower each day and this flu seems to be on its way out. I ran my mini split a/c unit all night last night because I was so hot with a fever that I was sweating like crazy. I bet that within two more days I will be almost back to normal again.

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