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Cooling down after severe fever

Luckily for me, I don’t have to be at an office job all day long.

This is the perfect test of fortitude today as I write the articles while nursing a blazing sore throat. Probably today is the final day of this sore throat, and I sincerely hope so. It is approaching the 5th day of having this cold and I am ready for it to go away so that I can feel like myself again. It is surprising how we sometimes forget what a privilege it is to be healthy, at least until you have to deal with a nasty flu like the one I got this past evening. Considering that it came heavily, just like a ton of bricks and within a day my body temp was so high that my AC had to come in to assist with cooling me down. Needless to say, I am actually ready to go back to my normal self as of today. I am ready to start feeling good again and even get my life to get back on track. I have been patiently writing my heating and cooling write ups each day, regardless of whether I have fever and bodyache. This proves to me that anything is possible if you put your mind and are committed to it. Luckily for me, I don’t have to be at an office job all day long. Considering the way I was feeling, it is possible that I would have ended up staying home and missing out on getting paid. I felt like there was a heater beside me since my body temp was rising steadily and my fever was full-blast. The fever broke a day before which means that I can now easily get over this sore throat, which is still not very pleasant because it is uncomfortable.



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