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Struggling with shopping al week long

I’ve tried to avoid shopping the past one week because I have been down with the flu and I am trying to avoid infecting other people.

I’ve stayed away from my flatmate for the most part and she seems to be okay.

I would simply stay in my office all day and head straight to bed early in the evening to get the rest I needed to recover. I feel that life is pressing me to a corner because I am tired and I need a lot of energy to overcome this nasty bug in my body. Heating & cooling writing must proceed even though I am chugging through the days and slowly getting my weekly work done as I don’t want to keep falling behind on this. After all, this HVAC system writing is great but stressful. If I miss two days of work then I will have a mountain to deal with in order to try and catch up. As such, I simply just keep moving through each day’s tasks and somehow get it completed. The a/c in my room runs throughout the night which helps to cool me down at night. This helps whenever I am having a fever as it makes me sweat a lot and I need cool air in my room. Unfortunately, it is not possible to open my window in the family room because the bar behind us gets too loud and stays that way till late in the day and nighttime. I should also consider cleaning my HEPA filter too since it has been a while since the HVAC tech came to do it last.

air purifier