I cherish the mini split air conditioner in the hotel that we’re staying at this week.
I had never even seen a ductless mini split air conditioner that I can remember before, up until this point. We are staying in a hotel because of a wedding that we will be going to on Sunday for my partner’s niece. We are pretty gleeful about it because it is a fun destination wedding. we are staying at this hotel on their dime, and so that makes it even better than it would be if we were paying for it ourselves. I’m having the time of my life to tell you the truth. The best part of the hotel is their food, and the second part right after would have to be the fact that the indoor air quality in the hotel is just amazing. I’ve never been in a hotel that has such fantastic indoor air quality before. I don’t know what kind of heating and cooling system that they have in here, but they are totally rocking it both in the lobby and in the restaurant of the hotel. Those ductless mini splits that are in each of the separate rooms are entirely awesome and they keep the temperature in the guest rooms just where they need to be at all times. I’ve never felt anything like it and I just can’t say enough about them. I think that the bride and groom did an entirely fantastic job choosing the hotel to stay in. I’m sure that the indoor air quality wasn’t the main reason that they chose this recognizable hotel, however I personally think that it’s really fantastic.