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I opted to get a portable AC for my old work van

So, I opted to get a portable AC from my home and install it in my van.

It’s been such an exciting experience starting my plant business. Thinking about it, it all seems strange, but here I am thriving and the future seems bright. Before the pandemic, I worked in the hospitality industry. This wasn’t my dream or perfect way to earn a living, but at least it paid my bills. I lived in a nice apartment with big bright windows, and had a few houseplants. When I lost my job, I was bored at home and began taking pictures and videos of my houseplants. Then, I added more, and this became my daily thing to do. Folks followed me on social media and were requesting to buy some plants. That’s how I started selling houseplants, and even later moved to a small store in the village. Now, I have an old van that I use to deliver houseplants to my many customers in three different states. Last summer, my van had an issue with air conditioning. However, I wasn’t in the financial position to have the air conditioning fixed in my van at that time. So, I opted to get a portable AC from my home and install it in my van. That portable AC worked as my van’s air conditioner for two months until it was time to repair my van’s AC. I found this guy who owned an auto repair shop, and he didn’t charge me an exorbitant amount to repair the van’s air conditioner. There was some faulty wiring, so he didn’t need to replace the entire unit which saved me some good money.


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