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Jim will never forget meeting the Heating and Air Conditioning professional

Jim was looking forward to hanging out with Jake, a friend from university. After graduation, they moved to strange cities, but they continued to communicate. She extended an invitation to Jake to visit for a few days so they could have fun since Jim lived in a fun city. To visit all the hot spots in town and relive their wild college days was the plan. But before Jake arrived in her city, she had to take care of her AC component. When Jim returned home one evening, he discovered the AC was not working properly. Jim went to the thermostat to see if it could be adjusted because the house felt hot and humid. There was no way she could turn the temperature control back on after discovering it was off. Jim’s best course of action was to call in a heating and air conditioning expert to investigate what had happened to her temperature control. She took a small portable AC unit and set it up next to her bed because she didn’t want to sleep in sweat. Jim also made sure to schedule a meeting the following day at the heating and air conditioning company. An HVAC expert showed up at her door early the next morning, prepared to examine the broken temperature control. She briefly struggled to speak when Jim was startled by the attractive woman who was standing at her doorway. He was brought back to the present when the heating and air conditioning technician asked him again where the temperature control was. When Jim led her to the area where the temperature control was set, she started investigating the problem. Jim had been considering asking her out, but she wasn’t sure if she would say yes or no.


Space heater