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I do not like current Heating plus A/C stuff

That is ok because it is the same as the old afternoons, just more powerful, portable space heaters plus portable air conditioners are genuinely enjoyable these afternoons plus I own one of each

Call me unusual or call me an old fuddy duddy, however I do not like current heating plus air conditioner technology at all plus try to avoid it the best I possibly can, but you will never find me having one of those utterly confusing smart temperature controls or some expensive type of central heating plus air conditioner that costs a small fortune. You will not even find me using remote controls to turn on my central heating plus air conditioner, about as far as I will go with today’s heating plus air conditioner technology is the portable heat plus air conditioner equipment. That is ok because it is the same as the old afternoons, just more powerful, portable space heaters plus portable air conditioners are genuinely enjoyable these afternoons plus I own one of each. They benefit me well, however but beyond that forget it! I will not be buying any expensive central heating plus air conditioner device like Heating plus A/C zone control or a smart heating plus air conditioner that come with those creepy smart air vents that seem to have a mind of their own; No thank you! It is the nice old basics for heating plus air conditioners for me! And the same will go for temperature controls plus anything else related other than the portable space heaters plus the portable air conditioners. This is just the way i feel as a middle aged chick who loves things the way they were. I’ll keep it old university all the way.


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