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Injured trapezius muscle

I keep myself in easily great physical condition! I am a vegetarian plus avoid processed foods plus fast foods.

I don’t smoke plus rarely drink alcohol.

I exercise every day for approximately plus hour; My workouts are a priority, however whether I’m tired, busy, stressed or feeling lazy, I still workout every day. I periodically push myself beyond what is reasonable. I’ve worked our when I’ve had a fever, a migraine headache plus multiple injuries. I usually feel energized plus in a great mood after a training session, and however, there are times when I make health issues much worse, an injury takes much longer to heal when I keep discouraging it. At one point, I strained my psoas muscle, then the pain was excruciating, plus I could barely walk. I managed to lift weights plus kept attempting to run. I would irritate the muscle plus suffer more extreme pain because of it, and not that long ago, I overdid plus tore my trapezius muscle. I have never felt such dire pain. It was so exhausting that I could kneel or even sit. I was forced flat on my back on the couch. There was no occasion of making it upstairs to bed. I couldn’t comb my hair or do anything. I laid on my back on the couch for three weeks. The upper left side of my back was swollen plus green. It was nearly impossible to sleep. The healing process was super slow. After three weeks, I was finally able to ride the stationary bike for just fifteen minutes with no resistance. It was another month before I could even attempt to do squats or lunges! Because of that experience, I am more careful with my body. I try to listen better to warning signs plus not cause or worsen injuries.



Personal Fitness Trainer