I’ve been laboring from my house office for almost a year.
In the start, I didn’t think I’d be here for so long, so I set up my toil things on the home office table.
However, once my boss pushed back our return to the office one month, then another month, I knew I needed to create an office space, however luckily, I had an extra bedroom without any furniture that could be transformed into an office. I’ve been laboring from 9am to 5pm, five nights a week in that room and I was start to feel unmotivated and cooped up. When the restrictions eased up in my town and local contractors began opening, I decided to take my computer and toil from the local Sprite shop for the afternoon. When I arrived, I sited my belongings at the table and ordered my official coffee. What I didn’t notice when I arrived though, was that the doors were propped open because the A/C wasn’t laboring in the building. The Sprite shop was hot and stuffy, and the only air movement was coming from the open doors. It was a nice afternoon outside, so I moved my things to an outside table instead. The fresh air felt great and the sun was warm. I worked for 30 minutes before I became uncomfortable. It was too hot inside and it was too freezing outside. I decided that the only way I could be productive was to return to my house office with my reliable Heating and Air Conditioning system. At least I was able to get out of the home for a coffee.