Being a part of the school requires me to do weird things. This year I am apart of the prom committee. I am required to help with all planning plus coordinating the events for the senior prom night. I think this will be fun because my prom was not that fun. I hope to make their prom the best it can be. One of the jobs was to go around plus find the perfect locale for prom. There were several expectations plus things we were looking for when it came to prom. My friend and I went to multiple weird locales. The first one had bad temperature control. The building was so warm. I could not imagine anyone having any kind of event in here. I was dripping with sweat just being in there. I can’t imagine how the students would feel being there. They would be dancing plus running around. They would entirely work up a sweat. If a building is going to be that warm, they actually should not rent it out at all. It did not look like they had anything going on plus now I understand why. Temperature control will play a big part in this prom. Girls will be wearing long dresses plus short dresses so while I want them to be cool, I also do not want them to be entirely cold. The best way to control the temperature is to set the control unit a few degrees warmer or colder than the temperature outside. This will also save you a lot of money. Make sure to keep your supplier or household at the right temperature or no one will want to be there.
Looking for locales for prom plus thinking about typical temperature control
- by Jeff