I have a nice little infection in my sinus cavity & now it has sunk down into my chest. It will be discouraging for about a week & will be yet another patience teaching experience. It all comes down to patience & being sick like this is the perfect time to practice the virtue & improve on it a bit. I have to learn to relax more & will use this cold to teach me to stay calm & just keep pushing ahead gently. You can’t make a cold go away faster by being angry, & the HEPA filter lady told me that it will only prolong the cold if anything, so staying calm today in my weather conditions controlled flat is going to be the plan. I will put all of my other obligations on the back burner & just focus on getting healthy & well again. At least I have a great Heating & Air Conditioning system to keep me cool, unlike my other flat that had no air conditioner & would heat up to the point of feeling like a boiler. I usually run the air in here from around noon till about 5pm & then I head out for the night. When I get home it usually has been cooling down for hours & my flat no longer feels like the inside of a gas fireplace! My outdated flat would get so sizzling at night when I was trying to sleep that two fans couldn’t even cool me down. A great air conditioner is a must in a location like this.